Thursday, January 5, 2012

Trends of 2011

Fashion Trends of 2011 are officially so "last year". There are many different fads that people went through this past year.

First of all, Toms, became really, really popular. The shoe company started off advertising there shoes as buy one and they'll donate a pair to a child in need. This past year Toms have become really popular amongst not only girls but guys as well. You can find these at any department store for about $40.

Feather hair extensions were also a big trend in 2011. You can get these feather extensions from any normal hair salon. There are clip in versions and ones that you actually have to have put in for you. These cost about 20$ per hair extension.

Tribal print has also become very popular this year. a lot of high end designers alongside cheaper stores as Forever 21 and H&M have produced a lot of clothing revolving tribal print.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Black Friday Craziness

Black Friday is probably the most intense shopping day of the whole entire year. Ironically placed right after one of the most meaningful, sentimental, and touching holidays, Thanksgiving, the completely materialistic "holiday" seems to appeal to a lot of people out there. 

One needs to be mentally prepared for an ordeal such as Black Friday. This is the first year I've actually really participated in the craziness, as you can see, in the picture I posted in above, we camped out for these sales, with our lawn chairs firmly planted on the ground and Starbucks at hand. 

Leah, Jazzmin, and I woke up at 5 O'Clock in the morning, drove to Walnut Creek, and waited two hours at the crack of dawn for some incredible ten dollar makeup deals at Sephora.

I was surprised at how serious the workers dealt with everything. This is how everything worked. Thirty minutes before opening, the workers asked everyone to get into a single file line, which I have to add we were in the front off. When the doors opened they let one customer go in at a time at ten second intervals to avoid the crowding. 

Though I never realized it before, a part of the fun of Black Friday is the crowds and the waiting, there is a certain rush to beating everyone else to a good deal, whether people may believe it or not. In the end, the experience of waiting with my friends was as good as the deals that I got.  

At the end of the morning I left feeling accomplished with more than one hundred dollars in savings and new, good memories. Overall fun experience. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Versace line release with H&M

The big day is almost here! In late November Versace will be launching an exclusive line with H&M. H&M is a retail clothing brand which sells fashionable items of clothing that are fairly reasonably priced. Although, they are taking it to a whole other level, H&M is now selling for a limited time "more reasonably" priced items for Versace.

Last week it emerged online and in the news that a Chinese website called " Germany Street" was selling the exclusive pieces early on their website.

In recent years, High Fashion Desginers have been known to collaborate with high street fashion designers to make their looks more easily attainable. Because of the exclusivity of these pieces, counterfeits are inevitable. Counterfeit fashion has been in the news lately with shows such as Good Morning America disclosing the issue of counterfeit wedding dresses.

Though this Versace release may not interest most, a lot of die-hards take this VERY seriously. People wait in line for hours to get their eyes and hands on these collections.

And even though this may only be shopping there are rules involved. Because of the limited number of garments shoppers are only alloted a set amount of time to be in the store with a maximum of two of the same item.

The more reasonably priced high end fashion does not end with this line. H&M has been known to do launches with Stella McCartney, Jimmy Choo, and Lanvin. Other stores such as target have done lines with designers such as Zac Posen and Missoni.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spirit Week Update /Strengths and Weaknesses

So I know I said I'd post pictures showing some of the days from from Spirit Week, but unfortunately I'm waiting for my friend to upload them so it might take a little longer than expected. So on to the next blog post!

Over the span of the last four blogs I think that I have a much better understanding of "blog writing". This more personal style of writing is harder than it looks, especially when you are taught to do the exact opposite in school.

In my opinion my best post would have had to be my first post which was about, a fashion website that lets it's user give fashion advice. I think that that topic was one that I was the most familiar with, therefore I could write about it more easily. I have also become very familiar with their site so it was very easy for me to explain what it was.

On the other hand I think that my weakest post was my post about eco-friendly make-up. Even though I use a lot of the products that I was talking about, there wasn't any real information that I could find on why those brands were specifically animal friendly. I couldn't find much on their background.

I think to better my posts and my blogging skills, I need to read more experienced blogger's blog posts. I just need to get the "blog writing style" down. Besides that, I think I just need to keep writing! Hopefully, the more I write the better I will get at it.

PS. I will try my best to post picture updats from spirit week last week! I'm just trying to get everything together from all my friends cameras!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spirit Week Fashion

So to all of my readers from Hercules High School we all know that it is Spirit Week! Since Spirit Week is this whole week and it is only Monday, I will try to update so that I have pictures from everyday. Here are the Spirit Days for the week:

Monday- Tie-Dye Day
Tuesday- Triplet Day
Wednesday-  Mix-Match Day
Thursday- College Day
Friday- Theme Day

Even though people may think Spirit Week is unnecessary, I think that participation is not only necessary but fun! I hate it when people complain that their class has no spirit and then events, such as Spirit Week, come along and they have no spirit what-so-ever.

Spirit Week at Hercules High School is typically celebrated during a week in mid-October. It starts with, as I mentioned above, five themed spirit days, then ends with a home football game on Friday, and a Homecoming Dance on Saturday night.

As I said before, I will try  my best to post pictures from every day on my blog for all of you to see. And though many may think Spirit Week is overrated, it is what you make it. Have fun with it, that's the key!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Look beautiful while being eco-friendly.

We all know that a lot of the make-up out there aren't made out of the most natural ingriedients in the world. I want to introduce you guys to a couple of brands of make-up that claim to be "high performance naturals". Brands such as "Tarte" and "Urban Decay", both sold online and in-stores, are se;f-acclaimed animal and eco-friendly make-up brands.

Eco-Friendly makeup is a great way to help out the environment. After trying a couple of products from both of these brands I have to say that they work exactly the same. In some cases they are actualyl a lot better quality that other brands.

But not only are the ingriedients in the products more natural but the way they are packaged are most consumer friendly as well. Tarte and Urban Decay are known not only for their pretty packaging but the compact size of the packaging as well, making the make-up more accesible and better for the environment.
Tarte claims they "are reducing green houses emissions one mascara at a time." By using recyclable and post-consumer materials that can often be re-used helps reduce environmental waste.

Urban Decay on another hand claims to be "cruelty free" All products claim to be not tested on animals. Some products now even contain a "vegan logo".

Point is, these brands help better the environment and have great performance. Some of the best products I have purchased have been from these brands. So if you haven't looked into eco-friendly make-up, check it out ! In some cases you can't even tell and in others it is a better alternative that feels fresher and better for your skin.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Help is on the Way

A lot of people don't have a problem finding fashionable pieces to wear it's more that they don't know how to wear them. A couple of years ago, I searched on Google "How to wear sweats and be cute". Low and behold the most amazing fashion website popped up. is a website dedicated solely to helping anyone and everyone with their fashion styling. Creating an account is completely free, although you don't need one to look around.

The website is full of "fashion profiles" each different one with their own personal style. You are always able to create your own designs and set them up on a page to where people can see what pieces of clothing you would put together. I find that this is the fast and easiest way to find trending fashions.

Although I'd have to say that by far the most useful tool on their site would be the "Ask" section. Once you create an account, one is able to pose questions such as "How do I get this look?" or "How would I wear my hair with this outfit?" And other users will create virtual sets of clothing that link to real stores where they can obtain similar items. The average wait time isn't that long either. You'd be amazed how many people commit time to doing this for other people.

Polyvore is where users can share and find their true style. By going on this website, one is able to be exposed to not just what they see everyday but to fashion everywhere. To explore Polyvore further click heres a link